Haven Middle School offers sports in the Fall, Winter, and Spring.
Dear Parents:
This fall and throughout school year 2024-25, middle school students attending Evanston-Skokie District 65 schools will have the opportunity to participate in interscholastic sports. Students will be able to compete in soccer, basketball, volleyball, Cross Country and Track &Field. Students will be expected to attend all practices and games. Student-athletes will be expected to follow all District and school rules of behavior and discipline. In addition, students will be expected to maintain proper academic standards for class work and homework.
Parent permission is needed for participation in the interscholastic sports program. Please sign and return the following: (These forms will be passed out once your child has made the team!)
- D65Middle School Sports activities participation form.
-The concussion information sheet.
-Code of conduct.
Your child cannot participate in interscholastic sports without these completed forms signed and on file.
All sports will follow the current Health Guidelines for the District related to student activities.
The fee for each sport this 2023-24 school year is again 80.00 per sport. Cash/ Money order or checks made payable to District 65 are accepted for payment. The participation fee is waived for those students who receive free and reduced lunch.
We look forward to another great year of interscholastic athletics for our students in District65!
If you should have any questions, concerns, or comments please feel free to contact me at 847-859-8601 or by email at [email protected].
J. McHolland
Chute Middle School/ D65 Athletic Director
Last Update 11/12/2024
Welcome back! I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer!!
I am David Eshaya, Physical Education teacher here at Haven Middle School and the Athletic Director. All questions in regards to Boy and Girl's: Basketball, Volleyball, and Soccer, please refer your questions to me.
[email protected]
All questions in regards to track, cross country, and intramurals, please refer them to Mr. Jones.
[email protected]
District 65 offers Boy's and Girl's (6th, 7th and 8th grade): Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Cross-Country and Track & Field. **Please see below for tryout dates** Once the district sends the game schedules to me, the coaches can put together practice schedules and will be sent out and posted. Also, all sports have "cuts," depending on the number of kids trying-out, we do not keep every kid trying out or that are registered. Each sport has a 6th grade team, a JV or Varsity. Typically 3 teams for basketball and volleyball (6th grade team, JV and Varsity) and soccer has a JV and Varsity team. (yes there are 'cuts' in all the sports)
Depending on our numbers trying-out will determine how the district wants to disperse the teams. All this information will be sent to you, once I get more information from the district. (Commitment days are typically Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays), some Thursdays will be thrown in. (Commitment days are Mon-Thursday) Practices are usually after school until 4:30pm. There will be some practices that start at 6:30am, depending on gym availability. (Game days range 3:30pm start time 4:30pm or 5:30pm depending on which team you are on. (more info once the tryouts have been completed)
Students are required to take the bus to and from games, from Haven and back to Haven. They cannot take their own bikes or walk to games. Parents/Guardians can pick their kids up from games, all we ask is that you communicate and sign your kid out with the coaches. You can also carpool other kids, as long as the coach is communicated with.
Each student that participates pays an $80 fee per sport. If you are on free or reduced lunch, the district provides a scholarship. We do not have an electronic payment system. (Checks, cash or money orders made out to district65).
Uniforms are provided, but must be returned at the end of the season. Lost or damaged uniforms are subject to an $80 replacement fee.
Sports Equipment:
Boys & Girls Soccer: You need your own cleats and shin guards - We provide uniforms (read above)
Boys & Girls Volleyball: You need your own athletic shoes. Knee pads are optional. We provide uniforms (read above)
Boys & Girls Basketball: You need your own Basketball shoes. We provide uniforms (read above)
Each sport has its own dedicated page with more information (Links below). Exact dates and times are on the 'schedule' links.
Click the schedule links, a calendar will pop up with the dates and times for upcoming tryouts, games, practices, etc. I will be updating the calendar as the district sends me dates for games, then I can set practice dates (FOR ALL SPORTS).This is a "live" calendar, so please refer back to it, as I update it frequently.
When you open up the calendar, there are tabs to switch from month to month!
Fall Sports 2024:
Haven Boy's Soccer Page (click the link): davideshaya.weebly.com/boys-soccer.html
Haven Girl's Volleyball Page (click the link): davideshaya.weebly.com/girls-volleyball.html
Winter Sports 24/25
Haven Boy's Basketball Page (click the link): davideshaya.weebly.com/boys-basketball.html
Haven Girl's Basketball Page (click the link): davideshaya.weebly.com/girls-basketball.html
Spring Sports 2025
Haven Girl's Soccer Page (click the link): davideshaya.weebly.com/girls-soccer.html
Haven Boy's Volleyball Page (click the link): davideshaya.weebly.com/boys-volleyball.html
Head district athletic director - J. McHolland Office 859-8601 [email protected]
Haven Athletic Director - David Eshaya [email protected]
Track & Field/Cross Country/Intramurals - Mr. Jones [email protected]
Boy's and Girl's Volleyball - Mrs. Brieva [email protected]
Dear Parents:
This fall and throughout school year 2024-25, middle school students attending Evanston-Skokie District 65 schools will have the opportunity to participate in interscholastic sports. Students will be able to compete in soccer, basketball, volleyball, Cross Country and Track &Field. Students will be expected to attend all practices and games. Student-athletes will be expected to follow all District and school rules of behavior and discipline. In addition, students will be expected to maintain proper academic standards for class work and homework.
Parent permission is needed for participation in the interscholastic sports program. Please sign and return the following: (These forms will be passed out once your child has made the team!)
- D65Middle School Sports activities participation form.
-The concussion information sheet.
-Code of conduct.
Your child cannot participate in interscholastic sports without these completed forms signed and on file.
All sports will follow the current Health Guidelines for the District related to student activities.
The fee for each sport this 2023-24 school year is again 80.00 per sport. Cash/ Money order or checks made payable to District 65 are accepted for payment. The participation fee is waived for those students who receive free and reduced lunch.
We look forward to another great year of interscholastic athletics for our students in District65!
If you should have any questions, concerns, or comments please feel free to contact me at 847-859-8601 or by email at [email protected].
J. McHolland
Chute Middle School/ D65 Athletic Director
Last Update 11/12/2024
Welcome back! I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer!!
I am David Eshaya, Physical Education teacher here at Haven Middle School and the Athletic Director. All questions in regards to Boy and Girl's: Basketball, Volleyball, and Soccer, please refer your questions to me.
[email protected]
All questions in regards to track, cross country, and intramurals, please refer them to Mr. Jones.
[email protected]
District 65 offers Boy's and Girl's (6th, 7th and 8th grade): Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Cross-Country and Track & Field. **Please see below for tryout dates** Once the district sends the game schedules to me, the coaches can put together practice schedules and will be sent out and posted. Also, all sports have "cuts," depending on the number of kids trying-out, we do not keep every kid trying out or that are registered. Each sport has a 6th grade team, a JV or Varsity. Typically 3 teams for basketball and volleyball (6th grade team, JV and Varsity) and soccer has a JV and Varsity team. (yes there are 'cuts' in all the sports)
Depending on our numbers trying-out will determine how the district wants to disperse the teams. All this information will be sent to you, once I get more information from the district. (Commitment days are typically Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays), some Thursdays will be thrown in. (Commitment days are Mon-Thursday) Practices are usually after school until 4:30pm. There will be some practices that start at 6:30am, depending on gym availability. (Game days range 3:30pm start time 4:30pm or 5:30pm depending on which team you are on. (more info once the tryouts have been completed)
Students are required to take the bus to and from games, from Haven and back to Haven. They cannot take their own bikes or walk to games. Parents/Guardians can pick their kids up from games, all we ask is that you communicate and sign your kid out with the coaches. You can also carpool other kids, as long as the coach is communicated with.
Each student that participates pays an $80 fee per sport. If you are on free or reduced lunch, the district provides a scholarship. We do not have an electronic payment system. (Checks, cash or money orders made out to district65).
Uniforms are provided, but must be returned at the end of the season. Lost or damaged uniforms are subject to an $80 replacement fee.
Sports Equipment:
Boys & Girls Soccer: You need your own cleats and shin guards - We provide uniforms (read above)
Boys & Girls Volleyball: You need your own athletic shoes. Knee pads are optional. We provide uniforms (read above)
Boys & Girls Basketball: You need your own Basketball shoes. We provide uniforms (read above)
Each sport has its own dedicated page with more information (Links below). Exact dates and times are on the 'schedule' links.
Click the schedule links, a calendar will pop up with the dates and times for upcoming tryouts, games, practices, etc. I will be updating the calendar as the district sends me dates for games, then I can set practice dates (FOR ALL SPORTS).This is a "live" calendar, so please refer back to it, as I update it frequently.
When you open up the calendar, there are tabs to switch from month to month!
Fall Sports 2024:
Haven Boy's Soccer Page (click the link): davideshaya.weebly.com/boys-soccer.html
Haven Girl's Volleyball Page (click the link): davideshaya.weebly.com/girls-volleyball.html
Winter Sports 24/25
Haven Boy's Basketball Page (click the link): davideshaya.weebly.com/boys-basketball.html
Haven Girl's Basketball Page (click the link): davideshaya.weebly.com/girls-basketball.html
Spring Sports 2025
Haven Girl's Soccer Page (click the link): davideshaya.weebly.com/girls-soccer.html
Haven Boy's Volleyball Page (click the link): davideshaya.weebly.com/boys-volleyball.html
Head district athletic director - J. McHolland Office 859-8601 [email protected]
Haven Athletic Director - David Eshaya [email protected]
Track & Field/Cross Country/Intramurals - Mr. Jones [email protected]
Boy's and Girl's Volleyball - Mrs. Brieva [email protected]
Please click below and the calendar schedule will open up with dates and times for - Games - Practices - Tryouts for ALL Haven Sports